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Making a difference.
The cyber way.

This is

I created this website to document my journey into cybersecurity and it quickly became a passion project. My hope is that it will organically become a digital representation of my physical projects, my thoughts, my feelings, my frustrations, and my triumphs.  It would also be cool for another person making a career change into cybersecurity to find this website as a useful resource in their own journey.

So what have I found out about myself thus far? That I can't get enough of it. If I'm not studying for classes, you can find me participating in CTFs, attending virtual cyber conventions, listening to cyber podcasts, watching security streams/videos, learning from and experimenting in my home lab, or reading books/articles about security.

I realized that I'm a security enthusiast who gains as much satisfaction from hunting and finding new cybersecurity resources to increase my knowledge as I do from tangibly improving my skills and abilities from those new resources.


Most importantly, although I do love all aspects of security, I realized that my passion for security is on the defensive blue team side:

 Malware Analysis  Reverse Engineering 
 Digital Forensics 
  Threat Hunting

 Incident Response   Security Research 


I find solutions to cybersecurity problems and have fun while doing it.

I seek out problems to areas of cybersecurity that I'm passionate about: digital forensics and incident response, cyber threat intelligence, malware analysis, and reverse engineering. Then I set out to solve those problems in a methodical and analytical way that is conducive to me retaining knowledge and building actionable skills.  One way that I do that is documenting everything I do in an electronic notebook.  I also share some of those entries as blog posts on this website.

My goal is to utilize these foundational knowledge, skills, and abilities to solve real-world cybersecurity problems.

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